Port Receives $3.9 Million in Federal Grant Funding

Port Receives $3.9 Million in Federal Grant Funding

HARLINGEN, TX – The Port of Harlingen Authority was awarded $3,937,500 from U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Port Infrastructure Development Grant Program (PIDP), Wednesday, Oct. 26. Funding will be used to renovate the Port’s main dock and related facilities....
Port Increases Economic Impact

Port Increases Economic Impact

HARLINGEN, TX – The Port of Harlingen has significantly increased its regional and state economic impact according to its newest study “Economic Impact of The Port of Harlingen,” conducted by Martin Associates, including doubling its tonnage, job and revenue increases...
70th Anniversary Celebration

70th Anniversary Celebration

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE THE PORT OF HARLINGEN CELEBRATES 70 YEARS HARLINGEN, TX – The Port of Harlingen Authority celebrated 70 years in operation and the dedication of the new addition of the Port’s Administration Building with a ribbon cutting event, Thursday, Sept....
70th Anniversary Album

70th Anniversary Album

70th Anniversary   A look back from the beginning to today.    1926-1949 The first official meeting of the Arroyo Colorado Navigation District of Cameron and Willacy Counties (1927). Starting to make headlines! The Port will officially be created. Dregding...